Modern Hospital Management System Using Bunifu Framework


Modern Hospital Management System Using Bunifu Framework 

The Modern Hospital Management System is an automated system that is developed using VB.Net, Bunifu Frameworks and MySQL for the database. The main purpose of the Modern Hospital Management System is to simplify the distribution of records of the patients from the admission, Discharge, Diagnostic test result and many more.

The controls used of Modern Hospital Management System are:

  1. Bunifu.UI.WinForms.BunifuPanel,
  2. Bunifu.UI.WinForms.BunifuButton.BunifuButton,
  3. Bunifu.UI.WinForms.BunifuDatePicker,
  4. Bunifu.UI.WinForms.BunifuDataGridView

About the Modern Hospital Management System

This Modern Hospital Management System is a big help in the proper filing of patient’s medical records. Compared to manual management that takes a lot of time and sometimes records are misplaced if not handled properly. There are lots of benefits of Modern Hospital Management System just like, minimizing the waiting hours of patients, easy retrieval of records and ensures that the medical records are accurate. It is very important to keep medical records properly because it will help the doctors on the correct treatment of patient under his care. The Admin plays an important role in the Modern Hospital Management System and it has a modern design with the use of Bunifu Frameworks.

These are the following features of Modern Hospital Management System

  • Rooms
  1. adding
  2. updating
  3. Listing
  • Physician
  1. adding
  2. updating
  3. Listing
  • Diagnosis
  1. adding
  2. updating
  3. Listing
  • Patient
  1. adding
  2. updating
  3. Listing
  • Admit Patient
  • Discharge
  • Patient Reports
  • Manage User
  • Login and Logout

Download and install the following system requirements:

  1. Bunifu Frameworks
  2. xampp latest version
  3. mysql-connector
  4. mysql-connector-odbc
  5. Microsoft Visual Studio 2015

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