Complete Ultimate POS with Inventory Software

 Complete Ultimate Inventory with POS is a PHP/jQuery based web application that allows you to manage your sales and stock. Application has an Easy POS system for faster billing.

The application manages the Sales & Sales Return Invoices as well as Payments, Purchase & Purchase Return Invoices as well as Payments, Customers information(Customers Bulk Import), Suppliers information(Suppliers Bulk Import), Expense information, Tax & Tax Grouping, Units, Categories, Items(Items Bulk Import), Brands and business required Reports and much more.

Very responsive template used, Advanced reports for review like Sales report, Purchase Reports, Sales Payments Reports, Purchase Payments Reports, Profit & Loss Reports, Expense Reports, Customer reports, Suppliers reports, Stock Report.

The application is install on the local computer or a server with an easy installation process.

  • Quality verified by Envato
  • Complete Source Code & Database
  • Easy for installation and easily can update.
  • We will help you to Install & Free support
  • Regular updates
  • Free future updates
  • Welcome for suggestions

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